Discover LIFEBION, for rejuvenating sleep.
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A revolution in regenerative sleep technology

In a world where the amount of electronic devices and antennas is growing significantly, it is important to recognise both the benefits these bring to our lives and the need to protect ourselves from the potential problems they can cause our bodies. Increased sources of electromagnetic radiation, active even while we are resting, can interfere with cellular communication, disturbing the energy and communication balance essential for vital and regenerative processes.

This phenomenon may be one of the reasons why many people suffer from poor quality sleep, experiencing problems such as fatigue, reduced work performance and decreased quality of life.

LifeBion is where science meets nature to create a refined balance of natural ambient energy within your sleep environment. It employs the power of magma13™️ microspheres, turning every moment of rest into an opportunity for cellular regeneration and enhanced vitality. This allows you to experience profound coherence within your being, as well as a slowing of the aging process, optimized longevity and elevated well-being.

The LifeBion is a groundbreaking innovation in regenerative sleep technology, meticulously crafted to rejuvenate and revitalize your body and mind as you sleep. It's about more than just improving the hours you sleep; it’s about revitalizing your life, providing a space that extends innate longevity and enhances the quality of your waking hours. With the LifeBion, you wake up each day feeling recharged and renewed, ready to step into the world with heightened clarity and vitality.

Understanding regenerative sleep: the baseline for well-being

Every human being needs sleep. We spend approximately one third of our lives sleeping, and it is as essential to us as food, water, and the air we breathe. Decades of research has made it clear that adequate sleep plays a crucial role in our physical and mental well-being. Sleep is important for memory and other brain functions, supporting the immune and nervous system, recovery from injury and disease, protecting from disease and the critical need for the cells of our bodies to regenerate.

Regenerative sleep goes beyond just rest and recharging the body; it’s the body and mind’s vital recovery time, enabling repair and renewal. It’s about optimizing our physical and mental well-being, through an improved quantity and quality of sleep, within a nurturing field of natural ambient energy to support all processes within the body.

LifeBion stands at the forefront of sleep technology, aiming to enhance your sleep quality with the Swiss magma13 technology. It is designed to turn your sleeping area into a coherent sleep environment, or regenerative space, which synchronizes and modulates your natural rhythms and promotes regenerative sleep processes.

Addressing global sleep issues: a need for real solutions

Many people worldwide are struggling with the impacts of insufficient and poor-quality sleep,  experiencing a range of problems including tiredness, reduced work output, and lower overall quality of life. The lack of good sleep can also lead to increased stress, mental health issues, and other long-term health problems. A myriad of challenges, from the relentless buzz of modern technology to the subtle yet persistent stressors of everyday life, disrupt our natural sleep patterns, affects the natural regenerative sleep cycle, and the body’s ability to recover and rejuvenate, thus compromising our well-being.

Sometimes complex problems can be solved with a simple solution. LifeBion provides an easy-to-use sleep experience, designed to enhance your sleep and quality of life. Grounded in science, yet designed for around human centered experience and resonance, the LifeBion marks a revolutionary step in the field of sleep science.

magma13™️: the heart of LifeBion

Underlying the power of the LifeBion is magma13, a pioneering regenerative technology developed and engineered over the past two decades in Switzerland by SOLS. The technology is based on a proprietary organic formula and crafted for a broad range of human, animal, plant, environmental and material applications.

The incorporation of magma13 into the LifeBion system is not just a feature—it's the foundation upon which regenerative sleep is built. This science is elevated through the ingenious implementation of two 72-cell panels, infused with 150,000 active magma13 microspheres.... Read More

magma13 and the science of regeneration

Grounded in two decades of pioneering research, magma13’s benefits have been demonstrated by years of preliminary stem and somatic cell research conducted at the Istituto Nazionale di Biostrutture e Biosistemi and Research Area of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), as well as other leading international institutions.

Research findings suggest that regenerative spaces, such as those created by the LifeBion with magma13, induce specific protein and gene expressions related to cellular regeneration, which support fundamental functions of humans including increased resistance to environmental changes and stress,... Read More

Unlocking vitality - The benefits of LifeBion and magma13

The LifeBion offers a multitude of benefits, including:

Regenerative sleep

LifeBion promotes both restorative and regenerative sleep, allowing you to awaken more refreshed and revitalized. This enhanced sleep quality is attributed to the active properties of magma13 technology.

Enhanced cellular regeneration

Research has indicated enhanced cellular regeneration, increased cellular resistance to adverse environmental changes, improved gene and protein expression, anti-inflammatory effects, and promotion of anti-aging factors within a magma13 environment.

Adaptogenic properties

The unique molecular structure of magma13 assists in enhancing physiological processes, promoting efficient organization, and boostering resistance to various physical, mental, chemical, and biological stress agents, leading to increased wellness and stress resistance.

Protection and resilience

magma13 technology aids in neutralizing specific environmental stressors, including potentially harmful environmental radiations. LifeBion ensures a balanced and steady exposure to natural ambient energy to facilitate a profound experience of stress reduction and resistance.

Energy and vitality

LifeBion provides a gateway to natural ambient energy, vital for mind and body well-being, counteracting the loss of vitality due to modern indoor lifestyles.

Unparalleled well-being

By regenerating and enlivening the environment, LifeBion supports overall wellness, providing an enriched life experience, filled with energy, vitality, and well-being.